Saturday, October 11, 2008

The lost art of counting change

I just left Raleys after a morning shopping trip.
After I handed the young man at the counter a 20 to pay for a 5.60 tab, he dumped a wad of bills in my hand and said thank you.

Whatever happened to counting change back to a customer?
I remember knowing that I got the right change because the person behind the counter having the courtesy to count my change back to me.
Now, I hold up the line, and count it myself to make sure it's correct.

How hard could it be for stores to teach new employees to do this simple act?

I'm just saying...

Friday, October 10, 2008

Canon A590is Pocket Camera

Tired of lugging my Rebel XT and all the lenses around with me for just quick snaps, I started looking for a little pocket camera.
The criteria were that it had to be cheap, it had to take AA batteries, it had to have better than 3x optical zoom, and more than 5 megapixels.
Browsing a couple of weeks ago, I ran across a sale on the Canon A590is for 114.99.
After reading a few reviews, and being convinced that I wouldn't absolutely hate it five minutes after opening the box, I ordered one.

I seriously couldn't be more pleased.


Finally, I get first post somewhere.
What a pitiful little life I have to take joy in getting first post somewhere.:(